Sunday, October 26, 2008

New York on hold

I'm sure all my loyal readers are waiting with baited breath for my final vacation posting. All that remains is New York City and I do have some great pictures. However, grandchild #12 is going to be born tomorrow, so I am off to stay with Caelen and help Colette with the new baby for a few days. Stay tuned for pictures of the new little guy. The picture was taken in Central Park, the entire park was so pretty and huge!


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

wow, now THAT is exciting news!

smiles, bee

Joan said...

So this will be grand child #12? Your kids have been prolific. Don't you just love it? I am so in love with my grandchildren. I have loved reading about your trip. When we went there, Ausable, New York was once of the prettiest spots I had ever seen. I had never pictured New York as a beautiful state but I was sure wrong.
