Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Mom's Birthday

Yesterday was my mother's 80th birthday. This picture of her was taken at her confirmation in 1944. I have always thought she had an oriental look and in this picture it really comes through. Her ancestors came from Russia (they were Volga Germans) who lived in a small village raided many time by tribes of Mongolian soldiers. It would be interesting to know if one of those soldiers could be an ancestor. : )
This picture was taken a few years ago at my nephew's wedding in Denver.

Last weekend we had an open house to celebrate her birthday. She doesn't like being the center of attention and had warned us for the past year that she didn't want any big to-do for her birthday, but while Brenda and I were on the cruise, my sister Jennie and my neices planned a celebration. Mom wasn't happy about it at first, but she ended up having a great time. A lot of her old friends showed up as well as a large number of family members.

Mom's four kids and their spouses.
Ken, Bill, me, Brenda, Mom, Jim, Jennie and Dan.

Mom and Jim, her favorite and only son.

My granddaughter Taylor was mom's first great-grandchild. We took a four generation picture when she was little so we wanted another one with her all grown up. This is Taylor, my daughter Cami, Mom and me.


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

oh how nice!!! i'm sure she loved it! and i especially love the four generation photo. we always wanted to get a five generation one but mom died before lala got married and she still has no kids! oh well, we did get the four on her 85th party.

smiles, bee

Jennie said...

The party turned our nice. I think mom really enjoyed it. You will have to send me your pictures, I didn't get any very good ones.

Laurel said...

My mom said she had a wonderful time and that she enjoyed visiting with all of your family so much. What a great party for your mom, and I love that high school photo. She's gorgeous!